Cameroon Marketplace Le Cameroun, pays d'Afrique centrale, connaît une transformation rapide de son paysage urbain et de son marché immobilier. Avec une population en constante augmentation et une économie en pleine expansion, le pays fait face à de nouve

The evolution of the real estate market and urban development in Cameroon

Cameroon, a Central African country, is experiencing a rapid transformation of its urban landscape and real estate market. With a constantly growing population and a booming economy, the country faces new challenges and opportunities in these areas. In this article, we will explore the key trends shaping the evolution of the real estate sector and urban development in Cameroon.

The rise of residential real estate

One of the most dynamic sectors of the Cameroonian real estate market is housing. The demand for housing, especially in large cities such as Douala and Yaoundé, continues to increase due to population growth and rural exodus. Real estate developers are responding to this demand by building new residential complexes, combining modern comfort and accessibility.

The emergence of high-end residential areas, with luxury apartments and houses, reflects the appetite of the middle and upper classes for quality housing. At the same time, government initiatives aim to promote home ownership for low-income households, through social housing programs.

The attraction of foreign investors

The Cameroonian real estate market is also attracting growing interest from foreign investors, attracted by the prospects of returns and capital gains. International investment funds, real estate development companies and wealthy individuals are acquiring real estate, particularly in the most dynamic areas of the country.

This arrival of foreign capital helps to diversify the offer and stimulate competition, which is beneficial for buyers. However, it also raises questions about the accessibility of housing for local populations, in the face of rising prices.

Development of urban infrastructure

Alongside the boom in the real estate sector, Cameroon is investing heavily in the development of its urban infrastructure. The construction of new roads, public transport networks, public facilities and economic activity zones is profoundly transforming the face of cities.

These investments aim to improve mobility, ease traffic congestion, promote economic attractiveness and offer better living conditions to city dwellers. They are also accompanied by urban renewal projects, aimed at modernizing the oldest neighborhoods.

The emergence of new cities

Beyond the development of infrastructure in existing cities, Cameroon is committed to the creation of new cities, designed in an integrated manner. These ambitious projects, such as the city of Kribi on the coast, aim to anticipate population growth and offer a balanced living environment, combining housing, economic activities, green spaces and public facilities.

These new cities, designed according to the principles of sustainable development, constitute laboratories for imagining the urban planning of tomorrow in Cameroon. However, they raise challenges in terms of accessibility, integration with existing cities and governance.

The challenges of urban transition

The rapid evolution of the real estate market and urban development in Cameroon is accompanied by social, economic and environmental challenges to be addressed. Access to housing, equitable distribution of investments, preservation of natural spaces and waste management are among the main concerns.

Housing accessibility, a major challenge

Despite efforts in social housing, access to housing remains a major challenge for many Cameroonians, particularly low-income households. Rising property prices, driven by demand and investment, are making the market increasingly inaccessible for a significant portion of the population.

Innovative solutions, such as the development of supervised informal housing or the promotion of self-construction, must be explored to address this crucial issue.

Sustainability of cities under construction

Cameroon's rapid urban development also raises sustainability issues. The construction of new infrastructure and residential areas must be accompanied by careful consideration of environmental impact, natural resource management and resilience to climate change.

The integration of sustainable urban planning principles, such as densification, mixed functions, soft mobility and green spaces, constitutes a major challenge for the cities of tomorrow.


Cameroon is at a turning point in its urban and real estate development. The observed trends, between housing growth, investments in infrastructure and the emergence of new cities, demonstrate a positive dynamic, but also raise social and environmental issues to be addressed.

For this urban transition to benefit the entire population, it is essential to find a balance between economic growth, housing accessibility and urban sustainability. This is the price Cameroon will have to pay to build modern, inclusive and resilient cities that guarantee a promising future for its citizens.

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